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All posts in Gadgets

Installed iOS7 Beta – and it’s pretty cool

Categories: Gadgets
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I was itching to do this all week, since the keynote speech on Monday. I installed the Beta 1 version of iOS7 and it’s pretty great. It’s like having a new phone. Cos it’s beta it’s a bit buggy and I have heard that in beta your phone drains the battery quicker, but so far, I’m impressed. It just looks so much cleaner and the new features are great too.

Apple iOS 7

Categories: Gadgets
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Today is a big day for any Apple fan like me. the Apple World Wide Developers Conference starts today in San Francisco, and Tim Cooke will be there to talk about the new iOS 7, which is hopefully going to drastically improve the dated look of all our iphones and ipads.
Jony Ive who is the chief designer of all the previous iphones, is now in charge of software design too, and Apple have been very quiet over the past few months about iOS7 so maybe we will see something different for this version of iOS.

Affordable VR with Oculus Rift

Categories: Gadgets
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I ordered one of the developer kits for the Oculus Rift VR device back at the start of April. Still no sign of it, but I don’t expect it until July in fairness, as some pre-orders going back to August 2012 still have been dispatched.
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